Hey people! I hope everyone’s doing well. Today, before moving on, I would like to ask you all a question- how many of you are addicted to social media? Lemme know in the comments below 🙂

Today, as usual, I am going to review a book. But this is a book with a very different theme. Our book today deals a lot with social media. The title of this very interesting book is “The secret life of Debbie G.” This book is written by Vibha Batra and the illustrator is Kalyani Ganapathy. You might be thinking that our protagonists’ name is Debbie G. But, no. Her actual name is Soundarya and people call her Arya. She hails from a South-Indian family but resides in Delhi.

The cover page

The story starts in Chennai, her native place. She comes there to her grandparents’ house for vacations. She has 2 best friends, Nikhil and Rukhsar, with whom she talks a lot and shares her problems with. Rukhsar is an actress who acts in small shows like ads and Nikhil is a person who takes a lot of coaching classes and is quite studious.

One day, Tarun, one of Arya’s classmates’ father pays a visit to their house in Chennai. Aishwarya, Arya’s mom, had been divorced 2 years ago. Arya is shocked to know when Aishwarya tells her that she and Tarun are planning to marry. She is shocked for 2 reasons; 1 because she is so confused about having a stepdad and 2 that he is the dad of her enemy, Kiara. She is very confused and talks about this with Rukhsar and Nikhil. At first, Arya makes a terrible face when her mom tells her the news. Later, she is happy that her mother is going to be happy. Aishwarya’s father, Soundarya’s grandfather, isn’t satisfied with Aishwarya’s decision, while her mother is content with Aishwarya’s choice.

Once all the marriage is done, Soundarya begins her 11th grade in Delhi. She is so glad to meet her friends but Rukhsar isn’t there. She gets selected to act in a tv serial. So, she stays in Mumbai. On the evening of the first day, a fresher’s party happens in which one of the school boys, from the other section, messes up with Soundarya. He talks bad things about Rukhsar which makes Soundarya angry. To this, she starts an Instagram account in the name of ‘The Secret Life of Debbie G,’ where she starts posting some school stories targeting a particular group of people. No one, even her best friends, knows that it is Soundarya who is behind all the mess caused at school. The rest of the story lies in whether Soundarya reveals her identity and whether her friends accept her.

Couple of posts from the book

This book is also a graphic novel. Had I mentioned earlier; I love graphic novels. This book was a new experience to me. Nowadays, most people are addicted a lot towards social media and this story gives a closer view on how social media influences their attitudes and behaviors. I really adored the illustrations and would have liked it more if it were in a color print. This book also reflects a lot on the true meaning of friendship. And I would recommend this book to any teenager round the world. This book’s available in Amazon.in and here’s the link: https://www.amazon.in/Secret-Life-Debbie-G/dp/935357465X/ref=sr_1_1?crid=107ZU3NCCFX6C&dchild=1&keywords=the+secret+life+of+debbie+g&qid=1608557728&sprefix=the+secret+l%2Caps%2C356&sr=8-1 Do check it out 😃

That’s it for today. I hope you all liked the review. Do drop in your thoughts either in the comments section or mail me at shre.mani07@gmail.com

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